If you are someone who travels frequently on business, you probably know the pitfalls of the lifestyle. Business meals at restaurants, drinking sessions to celebrate deals and contracts, little or no time to exercise, sleep deprivation, frequent hotel stays, long periods spent traveling etc. – all this can take a heavy toll on health.
You may find that waistline expanding, feel yourself getting breathless even with just a bit of exertion, and the next thing you find is a diagnosis of high cholesterol, hypertension and heart disease! To stay healthy even as you travel for business, here are some tips
If you frequently have business lunches and dinners and you are offered something that looks fattening, say that you’re training for something.
This sounds more forceful and better than saying you’re on a diet. You can be training for a salsa competition, for your city’s mini marathon or even the adult softball league; it doesn’t matter what!
As you spend long spells out of town, in strange hotels, your fitness routine can become seriously upset.
So try and set yourself some fun goals that will get you up and active to make sure that you get enough exercise even when you’re traveling. Even just taking a walk to explore the neighborhood is a good idea.
13/11/2012 : Health Watch Center.
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